Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pump starting and tight ranges!!!

Practice pump and her
pump pal she made
Candy's new pink VEO
Hi thanks for taking the time to read my blog!  It's been a little bit since I have updated here.  Please feel free t comment below as I really enjoy feed back!
 Things have been going really good lately.  We are over a month into school and Candy is doing really awesome.  So proud of that girl!  Exciting news, she is getting set up on the pump on October 23rd.  She is very excited and so am I.  We have decided to go with Medtronic just due to the following reasons:

Animas does not currently have their CGM and we want to try it.  I know they are getting it soon but our pump start date is October 23rd.
Candy's practice pump

Omnipod (Top left)
i-port (bottom left)
Mio infusion set (right side)
Medtronic Veo insulin pum

Omnipod is just too big for Candy as you can see in the photo to the left.

I have one issue about starting the pump...

So Candy's diabetic treatment are as follows:
Morning Levemir 15 Units
Breakfast ratio 1:12
Lunch ratio 1:14
Supper Ratio 1:15
Snack ratio 1:14
Bedtime Levemir 18 Units

Ok so for a total of about 60U of insulin in the average day.
The last 3 days BG readings

Ok so with those numbers we can conclude she is no longer in the honeymoon stage, correct?

Below you will see a couple photos of her BG levels

September numbers
A chart of the last 3 days

All my little Wolves
As you can clearly see her control is AMAZING.  There was one spike in BG and that was when she was doing a 5km run with me the other day.  For some reason she spikes during exercise.  Of course followed by a little low shortly after. 
Candy Wolf
Anyway, what I am struggling with is that I do find it really challenging is I know that when we start the pump her numbers will more than likely be a little crazy.  I am going to struggle with that a bit I think.  How to deal with that after such a great range for so long?

hanging out in the spider web
Also the other thing is going to the endo appointments with numbers like this is almost bad.  Endos desire to find something to correct and we do really well at correcting things on the go, so we don't really have anything to correct.  I noticed some lows that we didn't really like and we noticed when they were happening.  So we changed things and hopefully they will be corrected now.   But what will our endo team say?  I have so many thoughts that are going though my head.  I am glad that I can just type them out here.  

jumping on the bouncy pillow
So in the end, what I am hoping for with the insulin pump, is that it will give Candy a bit more flexibility as far as not worrying about waking up to give her long insulin and also it will save her a bit of time as well due to not needing to dial up, prime and inject insulin every time she want to eat.  I really do hope that our control will be this stable soon after the pump start.  I am so nervous to be going back to square one again!  :-(  Does it really go back to square one when the pump start happens?  And should I be excited about the control Candy has?  Some times I do find it challenging as I know these results are not what is expected from kids. 
Candy and her Pony.  i-port is on her arm

I guess I have to accept that every diabetic person is different and that no two people will ever have the same results and no matter what your results are with D, you just need to be proud and confindant that you are doing every thing you can to make it the easiest and healthiest possible for your D loved one! 

I love you Candy Wolf!!!

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